Eurobeat Stadium (event)

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Eurobeat Stadium

Eurobeat Stadium is a ParaPara / TechPara event with two floors in Tokyo. They are endorsed by Dave Rodgers Music official and SCP music official, and they choreograph new ParaPara and TechPara routines.


  • Time: Every 2nd Sunday 2pm-7pm(Japan time)
  • Location: New Planet & Jumanji55 in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
    • 1F Floor: New Planet — 2000-2021 Eurobeat & Techno
    • 2F Floor: Jumanji55 — 1990-1999 Eurobeat & Techno
  • Staff: Suzujun, Takao, Naoyuki "MEGANTE" Taguchi, Heather, Tomoe, Moeka, Aru , Aya and support member.
  • DJs/VDJs: Fujimoto (resident), Nao-king (resident) , Taka-G, Zacky, Tarchin, Liber-Tomo, Hide, Hirocky , Kazyan and more
  • Sound produced by FK TOKYO
  • DVD and Live stream designed by Kazyan


External Links